Struggling with Eating Disorders or Other Addictive Behaviors

Struggling with Eating Disorders or Other Addictive Behaviors as a Christ Follower Por Sheryl H. Boldt,,[email protected] I wasn’t allowed to eat. At least that’s what I believed. But who was making the rules?  I’ve often shared on my blog the devastation I suffered while struggling with eating disorders. In my…

Struggling with Eating Disorders or Other Addictive Behaviors as a Christ Follower

Por Sheryl H. Boldt,,[email protected]

I wasn’t allowed to eat. At least that’s what I believed. But who was making the rules? 

I’ve often shared on my blog the devastation I suffered while struggling with eating disorders. In my early adult years, my sole purpose in life was to lose another pound. Anorexia and bulimia cost me my family, my friends, my jobs, my health, my sanity—and almost my life. 

Therefore, if you’re struggling with an eating disorder, please seek professional help. I did. And I thank God for the doctors, counselors and dieticians He used in my life. An eating disorder is a serious mental health issue. But can we also admit that it’s a serious spiritual health issue, too? It was for me. 

Being an eating disorder patient and a Christ follower was embarrassing and conflicting to me. I was taught I could “overcome in Jesus’ name.” But I was so NOT an overcomer. Yet, when a counselor suggested I meditate on God’s Word, I noticed my love for God and His Word grew stronger than my “need” to lose weight. 

I became more aware that I had choices. I realized that each time I resisted God’s grace—each time I refused to surrender my will—I was choosing to disobey God. When I finally recognized this sobering truth, I began making progress. 

But it wasn’t easy. I suffered many setbacks. Although, I had to remain under professional care for several years, God’s mercy and grace sustained me. I can now testify that I’ve been completely free from anorexia and bulimia for over 16 years. Yay, God! 

Romans 6:13 (ESV) says: “Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life…” This is a great reminder, especially this month when we celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus suffered, died, and rose again so that, today, I can live—and eat—free from oppression. The same power that enabled Jesus to triumph over the grave empowers me—and you! —to triumph over every sin that tries to destroy us. 

Praise God. What a Savior!

What about you?

What sin, addiction or bad habit controls you? If you (or your heart) haven’t totally surrendered to Christ, what better time to do so than now?

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